Saturday, March 15, 2014

How In tuned are you?

How In tuned are you?

The show that I chose to watch was Resurrection.  Based on the characters non-verbal’s the characters in the show seemed happy, sad, concerned, mysterious, and loving.  I would guess that this is a show about a boy who must have ran away or something and finally reunited with his family.  The grandparents seemed very surprised to see the little boy.
When I watch the show with sound I see that I was correct for the most part in regards to the non-verbal.  There are a few things that was present in the story line that I would not have guess just by watching the show without sound and going by their non-verbal’s and gestures.  The boy was killed 32 years ago and all of a sudden showed up on his parents door step who know look old enough to be his grandparents.  You would not be able to tell that most of the people in the story line was related to the boy in some kind of way.  The doctor seemed to be the long lost child’s cousin, and the priest was the child’s childhood friend.  I see that the main concern is how did this boy come back to life, and is it really him?
I chose this show because it is a new show and I thought that it would be hard to have any preconceived notions about it.  My guesses about the non-verbal communication was valid however for the slightly different reasons.  My guess about the emotions being showed was right but the reason based on the story line was not 100%.
If I would have chosen a show like Greys Anatomy I could watch this without the sound and be 90% accurate on what happened in that episode.  This is because I am very familiar with the story line and the characters.   However if someone who was not familiar with the story line would watch Grey's Anatomy without sound would see a variety of emotions being expressed. 
I see that we can be correct when it comes to accessing someone’s mood by their non-verbal’s however it is important not to think you know the whole story.  I think that non-verbal communication will let you know how someone is feeling but not necessarily why.


  1. Hi Sherry,

    That is a show I have been dying to see, but haven't had the chance. It is interesting how we can tell what the basic story line is from a show, just by nonverbal communications among the characters. I would almost want to have a conversation with someone without speaking, but only using nonverbal communications just to see if we are as good with this skill as they are in the TV shows. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I wrote about this show too! It was so hard to understand not being able to hear what was going on. I was so happy when I listened to it with sound because everything made so much more sense!
