Friday, October 25, 2013

Final Blog Assignment-- Learning about the International Early Childhood Field

Learning about the International Early Childhood Field

Corresponding with my international early childhood professional has been resourceful and enlightening.  The three things that will stick with me the most is the quality of life in Togo, the size of the classrooms, and how little emphasis the government puts on early childhood education.
The quality of life in Toga is very poor.  The majority of the children and their families live in poverty.  There are many times were there is no electricity to run the classrooms effectively.
The sizes of the classrooms are huge.  They are especially large for young children who need more supervision than the older children in the upper grades.
I was shocked to learn that Toga’s government does not put much emphasis on early childhood development.  This was surprising to me because of the importance I see stressed here in the United States.
Raissa seems to do so much with what little resources she is allocated.  My goal would be to make all educators more aware of the teaching conditions and learning environment in Toga.  I would want Raissa’s efforts to be an example to all of us educators here in the United States.  I think that if we realize that the trending issues we have in regards to early childhood education is nothing compared to some other countries would make us appreciate the efforts that are being made to make early childhood programs better.  This is not to say we don’t still put the same demands on the government but maybe look at the issues and think of ways to improve the conditions with a more diplomatic approach.


  1. It was so exciting to read about your conversations with Raissa. I'm happy that you were able to make contact with someone. Thank you for opening my eyes to a life of a teacher around the world. I have enjoyed your blogs over this past several weeks. Thank you!

  2. Hi Sherry,

    It has truly been inspiring to see how Raissa is so excited about what she does with so little and with little or no government help. She is truly an inspiriation to the early childhood field. I believe should would be a wonderful trainer to help teachers who do not know how to take a little and make it go a long way.

  3. Sherry,
    It was interesting of learning fro Raissa and how she is important in the early childhood field. I have learn a lot from her and she is an inspiration to the early
    childhood education.

  4. Sherry, your insights from conversations with Raissa were always thought-provoking. You have definitely progressed in your goal to make us aware of Toga’s educational environment. I am grateful to you for bringing this to our attention, and have very much enjoyed our lively discussions and class postings. Over these past weeks, you have created an environment for inquiry and professional growth. It has been a privilege to learn from you. -Susan

  5. Hi Sherry,
    The conversation with Raissa is so amazing. I am now motivated after reading this.
    Thank you for your ideas through this course. Hope to meet you on a next course - Yen

  6. Sherry,

    Thank you for sharing your conversations. I like your goal as well to make other educators aware of the conditions in Toga. Good luck in your next classes.
