Saturday, November 30, 2013

Research Around the World

Research Around the World               

I chose to discuss some of the practices that early childhood researchers and professionals are discussing in Australian.  Some of the trends, issues, and research topics that are listed on the early Early Childhood Australia site are:
Belonging, Being and Becoming
School readiness and children's transitions
Sustainability, global warming and climate change
Baby and toddler sleeping
Child health and childhood obesity
Educators in uncertainty over Early Years Quality Fund
Qualifications matter in Early Childhood

Australia early childhood professionals and advocates seem to be facing the same issue and concerns that we face here in the United States.  Funding for quality early childhood programs is a constant fight.  Australia educational professionals are pushing for inclusion as well.  Reading some of the information provided on this site was just like reading one of the reputable sites here in the United States dealing with early childhood issues, events, and politics.   
There’s a huge push to educate young children on global warming and its huge effects in Australia.  I feel that this is a topic that is not discussed with our young as much here in the United States.  Global warming is going to get worse over the years.  The effects will be greater on the children now who will be adults dealing with this issue then.  If we instill good habits and educate young children then they can become more aware and begin at an early age learning how to preserve the environment.

Early Childhood Australia, (2013). Retrieved from


  1. How interesting that in Australia they are making concentrated efforts to educate young children on the effects of global warming. You are very right that it is important to teach children how to care for the world and how we as humans can have an impact on the climate and environment. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi Sherry,
    I found all the research topics in Australia website are interesting and important. The similarity you have noticed between Australian and United states research topics proves that early childhood field issues are universal. I appreciate the role of research in improving the knowledge base of early childhood professionals worldwide.
    Thanks for sharing

  3. I also found this website very interesting! Very interesting to read about educating children on global warming as well.

  4. Hi Sherry,

    What an interesting topic to teach young children. This would be an excellent way to use "The Project Approach" curriculum and let the children pick and choose what they would like to learn about by putting a number of topics for them to choose from and then letting them work together as a team to research the topic and put together a project to present to other classrooms in the center. This has given me a wonderful idea.

    Joyce Galloway
