Saturday, August 10, 2013

"My Supports"

Emotional support is what I need most from the people around me.  I need my friends and family to keep supporting me when it comes to all of my goals and dreams.  My goal to open up my own daycare.  It would not seem as tangible without the reassuring support that I receive from those around me.  The positive support that I receive in regards to my goals gives me the strength to go on.  Every time someone tells me that they can see me with my own daycare makes my heart smile, and it convinces me even more that I am on the right path to doing what I am really meant to do passion and career wise.
I haven’t had to depend on anyone financially in years.  I do occasionally need help fixing a few things around the house.  I usually have a list for my uncle “dad” when he comes to visit.  My uncle has always been very resourceful when it comes to fixing things around the house.  I’m trying to train my boyfriend but that’s still a work in progress!
I think that it would affect me the most if my uncle “dad” was not around  I call him for advice on what to put on my lawn, what kind of plants to plant, what kind of spray do I get for my garage when it’s squeaking, and so on.  My uncle "dad" is a good man.  He worked in corporate America for years before retiring in his early 50's.  He said that he was going to retire, build a house in Florida, and open up a lawn care business.  My uncle "dad" has always loved doing yard work. It makes me feel extra good when my uncle supports me in the things that I want to do, because he's always done what he said he was going to do.
The only other support that I can’t wait to have, is financial.  When I say financial I don’t mean I need to borrow or get money from anyone.  I think of how much money will I will have freed up when my boyfriend and I move into together.  I’m excited about being able to split up an expensive mortgage, not to mention the utilities.

My future challenge is going to be opening up a successful daycare.  I will need support, patients, physical help from family and friends.  I will seek support and advice from friends who are already teaching in early childhood.  Just thinking about the challenge that awaits me is overwhelming but yet; I welcomes all the future stress and obstacles.


  1. Hi Sherry,

    I see that we have career goals in common. I think that I remember discovering our common goals in one of the other courses that we took together. It seems that you have a great support system and that you really have great things lined up for your future. I wish you the best and you can add me to your support team. I know others that already have child care facilities.

  2. Sherry, I believe that you truly can accomplish and reach your goals. You have the right background in early childhood, you have compassion for the young ones, and most of all, you have the right attitude towards the challenges that may come your way.
    I wish you all the luck!

  3. I think you have a great outlook on life, and that you have a very supportive family. I wish you the best of luck in opening your childcare, I am sure that the children around you will feel the support you have been blessed with. That will comfort your children as they learn and play around you.

  4. Hi Sherry,

    I to share the same Career goal with you as well. I hope to one day open up my own childcare center and as you stated, it is going to take the support of family and friends and a lot of patience an support. I think you have a really great support system and they will be there for you 100% of the way. I wish you well as you embark on your journey.
