"My Connections to Play."
Quotes that best describes my younger self:
1. Play is our brain's favorite way of learning.
2. Play gives children a chance to practice what they are
learning. Fred Rogers “American television personality”
I enjoyed playing board games as a child. Trouble, Uno, Connect Four and Checkers were some of the first games that I learned how to play. I was really good in Connect Four and Checkers. Most games are based on strategy, which makes you think. It gives you practice on thinking ahead and in some cases problem solving. This would have been a good way for adults and educators to gauge my cognitive development. I still till this day enjoy all of these games and more. Monopoly become my favorite as I moved into my teen years and adulthood.
Playing basketball and soccer did so much for me as a child. I was fortunate enough to be naturally athletic. Your peers usually liked you if you were good in sports. They would always want you on their team, which is definitely a popularity booster. Sports gave me a lot of confidence on and off the court and field.
"Imagination is everything. It is the
preview of life's coming attractions."
Albert Einstein
My childhood friend and I would always coming up with new business adventures. Our parents mostly her mom would help us make the Kool Aid, popcorn, lemonade or whatever else we were selling. My parents would give us $5 dollars to help us get started. Our neighborhood would contribute by being our customers and buying our treats and goodies. It brings a smile to my face when I think of the neighborhood I grew up in. If I was selling something for school they would always buy it. If I was doing a fundraiser they would always sponsor me. That's truly a neighborhood raising a child!
It saddens my heart when I look at children today and how play is related in today's society. I don't witness too many kids running around and playing in the neighborhood. I'm always surprised to see all the children at the bus stop. I'm like where did all these kids come from. Children of today live in an era where play and learning involves electronics. Of course the kids don't know anything different; so playing their XBOX, Play Station, WII, Connect, and so on seems very normal to them. I think that this has a lot to do with childhood obesity. I would encourage my children to go outside explore, run, and be free.
I don't think that's there's a huge difference between myself as a child then and now as an adult. Of course I've grown and matured, but the things that I loved as a child I still love as an adult. I do a little volunteering when it comes to teaching children how to play soccer who mostly live in urban areas. I still enjoy playing board games. I have even added a few more favorites to my list. My little businesses that I use to have in the past has made me realize that I am destined to be an entrepreneur. This journey has lead me to Walden University with hopes of opening up my own educational facility one day.
1. Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
1. Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
Albert Einstein
Retrivied from: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_imagination.html#HuVxgEZJryv7kIwM.99
2. Play is our brain's favorite way of learning.
Diane Ackerman. Retrived from: http://www.thestrong.org/about-play/play-quotes
3. Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning. Fred Rogers “American television personality”
Retrived from: http://www.thestrong.org/about-play/play-quotes