Saturday, May 18, 2013

Child Development & Public Health- SAFE WATER

I feel that safe water is a bigger issue than most Americans think. I think that Americans take healthy clean water for granted. Water in the United States is regulated. In some cases minerals are added to our water. Things, such as fluoride. Adding fluoride to our water helps fight against tooth decay. However having too much fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis. Fluorosis is a defect of tooth enamel caused by fluoride’s interference with the tooth-forming cells. (Fluoride Action Network 2013). Clean water issues are even more serious in countries such as Africa. Many infants born and raised in Africa are susceptible to many diseases found in water. Infants and young children are especially susceptible to diseases because their immune systems are experiencing everything for the first time. Even in developed countries, lots of moms boil water before giving it to their children - just to be doubly safe. In poor countries, the fuel for the fire can be so expensive that mothers can't afford to boil water and cook food (The Water Project 2013). Clean water is a good start to good health. Half of the world's hospital beds are filled with people suffering from water related disease? In developing countries, about 80% of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions. Tiny worms and bacteria live in water naturally. But typhoid fever, cholera and many other diseases still run rampant in the developing parts of the world, such as Africa (The Water Project 2013). I would like to look even deeper into the safe water issue. Especially when it comes to "fluorosis." I don't think this is something that many people who live in America think about. I feel that maybe it's unnecessary for so many infants and young children who live in America to suffer from this. If I did have to choose the worse of two issues it would be "fluorsis" over some of the other life threatening diseases water is causing in countries like Africa. Flouride Action Network,(2013). Improving Health In Africa Begins with Water. The Water Project, (2013).

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Childbirth In Your Life and Around the World

I can't say that I have any personal experiences when it comes to child birthing. Many of my friends have had good prenatal care. I've seen them watch what they eat, take their vitamins, and make sure they stay away from known substances that could harm their baby. I've heard a couple stress c-sections ignoring that the healing time is suppose to be greater. They felt that they'd take that any day rather than to have their vagina torn. Then I have the one's who brag about having a natural childbirth with out drugs. Now these friends are the ones I shake my head at and laugh at the most. I know for myself I will ask the doctor to give be a double dosage if need be. I'd rather give up bragging right then to endure pain any day! With all this being said I can proudly and rejoicefully say that they have all given birth to healthy babies. There has been a couple of miscarriages amongst the group but nothing because of what one of my friends may have done. My friends have been the lucky and fortunate ones. However you do have some women who do everything right and then they still face complications when it comes to the baby that they have brought to term. Then you will have some woman who are very carefree and relaxed when it comes to giving their fetus the care, and nature it needs and everything comes out right. So even with all the studies,and test there still is no way to know for sure what will be yours and your babies fate. However it's strongly suggested and proved that you do the things that you are suppose to do to increase your chances of a healthy child birth. With that being said I would like to share a story that I'm sure we are probably all aware of. It's the one about the the three young ladies that have been held captive for 10 years. One of the captives Amanda Berry ended up giving birth to a little girl who is now 6. I'm sure it's safe to say that Amanda did not have the proper prenatal care. Nor did she live or give birth in a non stressful environment. It's said that Amanda gave birth in a kids plastic swimming pool, and delivered by one of the other young female captives. Of course only time will tell but it's said that the child is healthy in the physical state. I choose this story to support to a certain degree of what I said above. The biggest difference is that Amanda Berry didn't have any choice when it came to prenatal care, and the conditions that she had to delivery her baby in. Africa: It's said that giving birth while squatting is a common practice in Africa. It's also very common to use a midwife. "In some ways what we do in Western society is completely idiotic if you understand physiology," says Dahlen. "Lying on your back to give birth is about the most stupid thing you can get a woman to do because she is trying to push her baby uphill as opposed to using gravity. What we currently do with about 90 per cent of women giving birth on a bed on their backs is completely and utterly ridiculous," (Smith.S 2012) Dahlen does make a lot of sense. However I don't think that I will be giving birth while squatting unless I'm in Africa! 1. Smith, S (July 2012). A better way of Giving Birth. 2. Botelho,G (May 2013). Ohio kidnapping case: Amanda Berry's baby delivered by another captive.