Saturday, March 30, 2013

Quotes by Dr. Lilian Katz, Dr. Susan Bredekamp, and Louise Derman-Sparks

“Let’s keep up the good work for the sake of the children. The best way to influence others is to do the best we can! It may very well be that what we do speaks more loudly than what we say.”                                                                                              

Dr. Lilian G.  Katz

“Never underestimate the power of ideas- bad ones as well as good ones!”

Dr. Lilian G. Katz

I like both of these quotes.  As an educator it's so easy to get in a routine.  To the point where you start just going through the motions.  I think it's important for a teacher to stay motivated in order to be as effective he or she can be.

 “child-initiated activity is all that’s important and that teacher-directed instruction or any form of teacher-directed activity is not appropriate.” by Susan Bredekamp. (ECT Editorial Staff, April 2006)

“Effective teachers are intentional in everything they do – they are purposeful, they’re playful, they know what they’re doing and they can explain it to other people” – Dr. Susan Bredekamp, Author of NAEYC’s Developmentally Appropriate Practice

 I feel that Dr. SusanBredekamp's is saying teach a child a lesson of some sort in everything that we as educators do.  Be mindful or our actions because the children are watching and observing.

"to make sure that all children were taught in an enviroment and ways that truly nature their abilities to grow" - Louise Deman-Sparks, Professor Emeritus. Pacific Oak College, CA.

I like this quote from Louise Deman-Sparks.  It serves as a good mission statement for myself.

1 comment:

  1. I like all of these quotes. They really show how important teaching is. I like the one that says "Effective teachers are intentional in everything they do...." I agree with this. There is always a reason with teachers that know what they are doing. I hope to be that kind of teacher some day.
