Father’s Love
Of course in an ideal world both parents would be present in
a household. However we all know that
isn’t always the case. I picked these
two videos because I wanted to stress the importance of a father in child’s
life. A father needs to show a boy how
to be a man; and show a young lady how to be loved and treated by a man. I have a few friends that are spilt up with
their children’s fathers. I have
witnessed all of these ladies encourage and consider themselves lucky to have
men who know the importance of their presence in the child’s life, even though
their union didn’t work out. Two out of
the three of my female friends feel that they don’t know how to have a
successful relationship because they were never taught how to be loved by a
man. That reason alone is the reason
they would never push their children’s fathers away.
A boy with cerebral palsy walks to his Marine dad for the
first time
Soldier Surprises Daughter at Spelling Bee
9-year-old Attacks Toddler, Daycare Worker Arrested, Neglect
of Minor
This video is very disturbing on so many levels. My first question would be why is there a 9
year old boy in a toddler room to begin with?
I’m shocked and appalled that the little boy was even able to get away
with all of this. If the daycare
providers where even doing half of their job, they would have seen the bruises
on the toddlers. After seeing the
bruises should have inquired and wondered where they came from.
After watching this video you wonder where does the original
problem stem from? What is going through
this 9 year olds head? You wonder what he
has been subject too. What kind of adult
is he going to grow to be?
What would you suggest be done to this 9 year old child?